Most recent changes to the site are listed first.
07-01-23: Slight update to the heal the planet page.
02-01-23: Updated minimalog. Restructured soft game reviews. Added a new review.
09-10-22: Small additions/edits on various pages. There have been various smaller updates in the past that aren't logged.
14-01-22: Updated minimalog. Clearing last year's entries felt cathartic. Updated goals on the save the planet page and made some minor edits.
13-12-21: Small update to Pokemon shrine, changed Sonic shrine navigation menu, minor additions to the text.
05-12-21: Updates on misc pages. Too tired to keep track + properly list them.
12-10-21: Updated Minimalog, added Charms section to Animations page, added a new link to Recommendations.
25-09-21: New landing page graphics for fall season.
10-08-21: Added new outfits to the Girls' Fashion Shoot page.
01-08-21: Added some new banners.
25-07-21: New seasonal landing page background. Awards magazine added to the Waiting Room. Misc edits/updates to various pages.
16-06-21: Updated the Soothing Music page, updated Minimalog look and added new entries.
18-05-21: Added menu images for the Records Room.
14-05-21: Added a new recommendation and new goodies.
09-04-21: Lots of changes. A new page, some overhauls, some cleanup, and some additions.
03-04-21: Added two new reviews of soft games.
31-03-21: Updated Hardship page. Redesigned Digital Habits page.
11-02-21: Moved art, animations and zines so they're all linked on the art page. Added a new zine. Added some new repeating backgrounds to goodies. Made some other adjustments around the site.
29-01-21: Added custom scrollbar to a lot of pages. Will address the missing ones bit by bit. Added a page about my coping toolbox. I'm very excited about this one and hope to expand on it in the future! Changed around the blanket fort links so some images now point to different pages.
27-01-21: At long last, added a button that points people to dyslexia extensions to the index. Rewrote some text on the blanket fort page to be more succinct/readable. Retired the FFXII shrine and associated pages.
26-01-21: Added a new goal to the Heal the Planet page. Added to minimalog, edited a line break issue on the minimalism benefits page.
23-01-21: Finally added some new links to neat neocities sites. Added a new item to the soothing music page, as well as edited the page to look a little nicer.
19-01-21: Updated minimalog, rewrote benefits of minimalism to be more succinct. Updated digital habits page. Added a page about hardship. Updated Cassette Player.
13-12-20: Added some graphics to the Digital Habits page.
10-12-20: Lots of updates this time!
Added a new selection to the main menu; the Records Room. Removed some images from FFXII Travelog to create a more curated page. Added a page for retired graphics under
Odds and Ends.
Made the Pokemon page actually readable. Added to minimalog. Made some smaller edits to various pages. Added a secret page with self care ideas. Hint: It's somewhere in the Blanket Fort. Can you find it?
09-12-20: Added new navigation icons to the Blanket Fort, added some graphics to the Healing Games page.
06-12-20: More accessibility adjustments. Cassette player page added. Split links on the recommendations page into categories and added some new ones. Updated minimalog.
03-11-20: More accessibility improvements. Minor edits to some text.
02-11-20: Mucking around with Chrome's Lighthouse tool and making adjustments to improve the speed and accessbility of the website.
181020: Rewrote several sections on the Pokemon shrine page.
081020: Added a new link to the Recommendations page.
061020: FFXII Travel Log added.
041020: Added links to some neat music on the Recommendations page. Added a new resource link to the Minimalism page.
021020: Updated + overhauled the Animal Crossing page. There's a bunch of new content, check it out!
011020: At long last, created a proper Chao page! Made some adjustments to the Sonic shrine. Added a new graphic to the Blanket Fort. Added three new repeating backgrounds to Goodies. Changed the background of the index page.
290920: Added a new visual to the Blanket Fort. Made a slight edit to the soft game review pages.
270920: Changed one link on the DIY page. Made a tiny edit to the 404 page. An overdue sitemap update.
010920: Updated minimalog.
260920: Changed some links on the DIY page. Updated minimalog.
010920: Updated minimalog.
220820: The first-aid kit on the landing page now has wings. Added a new game to the soft game reviews page.
200820: Profile pictures page changed to goodies page, which includes backgrounds you can use on your site. Added some visuals to the playlist page.
190820: Upgraded the look of the spouses and DIY pages with a new background and some tweaks. Swapped the graphic on the 404 page. Changed some other backgrounds.
180820: Added new backgrounds for a few of the Frozen Starfall translation pages.
150820: Added new translations to the Frozen Starfall page.
130820: Added Frozen Starfall page to odds and ends. They're a group whose music means a lot to me! ♡
120820: The faves page has been replaced by a new page, soft game reviews. New image added to the art page. Changed background and colors of the playlist page.
110820: Learned how to create tabs and gave the Vocaloid shrine a major overhaul.
080820: Made some visual edits to the heal the planet page. Slightly lightened the background color of the content boxes on the minimalism pages. Added to the good things list.
030820: Added a new entry to the healing games page.
020820: Added a new channel link to the uplifting shows/channels/videos list. Added a page listing benefits of minimalism. Made some edits to the menhera page. Added a game to the list of healing games.
300720: Updated healer shrine with two new entries.
290720: Cleaned up some. Gave the "Heal the Planet" page an overhaul. Added july entry to minimalog.
210620: Art page update.
030620: Minimalog update. Small site edit.
210520: Added to minimalog. Edited Animal Crossing page background to actually make the text readable.
190520: Added a resources section to the minimalism page and linked a video.
070520: Modified some CSS for the DIY page. Created minimalism page.
030520: Animal Crossing page added to the Break Room.
280420: Added a new video link to the uplifting shows/videos page.
170420: Added a new video link to the uplifting shows/videos page.
310320: Added visual novel page. It's not linked yet as it's still a work in progress.
280320: Added a new zine and fixed a broken link.
270320: Categorized items on the "Activities to do at home" page for easier reading. Added to the "Uplifting shows/videos" page.
240320: Made various smaller adjustments and edits around the site.
200320: Added a new entry to the "Healing Games" list.
150320: Added "Activities to do at home" page to Odds and Ends. Updated sitemap.
060320: Added a new visual to the Break Room page.
070220: Added a new free icon. Changed front page background back to a seasonally neutral one.
090120: Changed some links on the Recommendations page.
040120: Updated the NuseDun page, adding character bios and images of everyone's Return versions.
261219: Updated the Sonic Shrine, adding information about the comics and rewriting some sections about the games.
091219: Made a small seasonal edit to the front page background. Made some very minor edits to the menhera page.
071219: Updated Odds and Ends page. Added Bandages Zine.
011219: Added a new link to the Recommendations page. Updated sitemap with pages I missed last time.
301119: Redid the index page, updated links accordingly. Some new pages are now available from "Home" if you know where to click. Added Healing Games and Uplifting Shows pages, which can be accessed from the Blanket Fort.
281119: Added a new link to the Recommendations page. Mucked around with some css. Edited some shrine icons.
261119: Added Odds and Ends magazine to the Waiting Room. Added the following subpages: playlists, types of kawaii, and ???. Updated sitemap to show the new pages.
221119: Updated sitemap to include pages added in recent updates. Added some line breaks to the Blanket Fort page to make it more easily readable.
121119: Rewrote sections of the Menhera page to be more accurate to my current understanding of the topic. Edited the look of the Favorites page.
091119: Added Healer Shrine to the Break Room. Added one new banner to the Video Therapy page.
071119: New outfits added to the Girls' Fashion Shoot and New Style Boutique 3 pages. Updated the look of the Log page, updated Recommendations page.
051119: Added a new site link to Recommendations.
031119: Added one dual-language and several Japanese links to the Menhera page. Added a banners section to the Video Therapy page. Added one new banner.
251019: Added Sonic Shrine to the Break Room page. Gotta go fast! Added one new item to the Video Therapy page.
241019: Added a new link to Recommendations and mucked around with the DIY page.
201019: Updated Heal the Planet page background to a cuter one.
191019: Added a Halloween team to the Pokemon page. Corrected incorrect dates on a handful of update log entries. Replaced a dead tweet on the Menhera page, and added a link to Rakuten search results for more clothing examples.
280919: Updated the Heal the Planet page with a list of personal discoveries, as well as a new section for links relating to buying less.
220919: Added update log link to the main page and slightly edited the main page text. Updated the look of the Sitemap. Updated Spouses page and changed the background. Updated the Vocaloid Shrine and linked it on the Shrines page. Updated the Menhera page - it has been restructured and several image embeds have been added.
190919: Updated the visual appearance of the main menu. At last figured out how to avoid the custom cursor briefly turning into the default pointer upon hovering over links Changed the background of the main pages to a less busy one. Made a slight edit to the header and added a special header for the Break Room.
070919: Divided the Fashion Center into subpages per game to avoid ending up with one very image heavy page. Added several new images to the Girls' Fashion Shoot page.
300819: Added a new link to the menhera page.
240819: Pokemon Shrine page updated. Added the Break Room page and linked it on the main menu. Made an edit to the main page cursors. Fixed a typo on the Menhera page.
180819: Changed the NurseDun x2 page background. Added Vocaloid Shrine page. Redid not found page. Added a new caution page that offers a warning when navigating to heavier parts of the site.
170819: Updated recommendations page with one new link. I now also have a site banner if you want to link my site! Created a Pokemon shrine page, still a work in progress. Added a clarification about site graphics on the index page. Edited text on the Heal the Planet page, added a new list.
160819: Made a slight correction to the text on the Menhera page.
150819: Added a bunch of screenshots to the Fashion Center page.
140819: Rewrote parts of the menhera page and added subheadings for easier reading. Added three new animations to the Video Therapy page.
090819: Added a new animation to the Video Therapy page. Made a small edit to the Fashion Center page.
100819: Renamed Decor page to DIY and changed magazine image + updated links accordingly. Added five cute DIYs to the DIY page. Removed two video links. Made a slight edit to the Blanket Fort and Update Log pages. Added an animation to the Video Therapy page. Updated Creature Raising page. Changed the background of the Fashion Center, DIY and Menhera pages. Added a clarification to the Menhera page, as well as a new link.
090819: Bolded update log dates to improve readability. Updated Stardew Valley slime raising project status on the Creature Raising page.
050819: Changed a heading on the Heal the Planet page, and linked the page through the Waiting Room. Added two entries to the Faves list. Changed background on update log page.
150719: Made some slight edits to the text on the Menhera page and added a new link.
090719: Added two new characters and two screenshots to the NurseDun x2 page.
080719: Added a new character to the NurseDun x2 page.
070719: Added NurseDun x2 page, linked on page on Waiting Room page. Fixed misleading alternate image descriptions on Waiting Room page. Fixed some broken links on the sitemap page.
030719: Updated spouses page. Fixed a broken image link on the Chuchu Nurse Rocket page.
020719: Added a welcome image to the Art Therapy page.
280619: Changed the order of two links on the heal the planet page. Fixed two broken images on the Fashion Center page.
170619: Fixed some wording on the menhera page.
080619: Changed one link on the soothing music page. Added one new item to the list of self care faves on the blanket fort page. Added menhera page that explains the subculture and fashion, link added to waiting room.
080319: Added decor page, added a link on the waiting room page. Added one new song to the soothing music page, changed color of the soundcloud widgets.
110219: Cropped some images on the fashion center page that were showing a lot of empty background, and added one new image. Removed one link from recommendations. Added one new link to the environment page.
110219: Added a new section and image to the fashion center page.
280119: Video gaming tidbits page added, not yet linked through any other page.
110119: Medical stuff page added, not yet linked through any other page. Return link added to faves page. Slightly edited the text on the soothing music page.
080119: Added one item to self-care faves on the blanket fort page. Environment page created, not yet linked through any other page.
020119: Added a few new items to faves, along with youtube links for my favorite artists.
311218: Soothing music page added, link to page added under blanket fort. Fashion center page added, link added under waiting room.
301218: Redesigned site layout. Update log, profile pictures, spouses, creature raising, and sitemap pages added. Front page text updated. New links added to recommendations page. Quiz section deleted.